About Perfumeer

Perfumeer is a knowledge hub for people who want to know more about everything under the umbrella of perfumes.

There is a lot of misinformation on the Internet today, and fragrances are not an exception. Although, scents are a highly subjective thing – because what you smell, is not necessarily what the person next to you sense in a fragrance.

This can create a big contrast in terms of what a certain perfume and cologne does or does not smell like.

However, when reading on different websites you can see that the contrasts can be a little too big. While one website describes a fragrance as warm and perfect for the winter, another site describes the same product as fruity, refreshing and best for warm summer days.

This is a big issue when it comes to perfumes.

Unlike technology, we can’t see exactly what’s under the hood by just reading the product description. Thus, making it crucial that we get the correct information when reading reviews and tests of fragrances. Just reading the product description will only give you a hint of what’s in the bottle – but from experience, this can be very misleading.

This is where we come in.

Our goal at Perfumeer is to give you the best knowledge base as possible, to make sure that you won’t regret your next purchase. We want to provide you as much information, opinions and broad descriptions as possible – so that you find the perfume that suits you the best.

This is especially important considering the price tag of a lot of perfumes today. It’s not a cheap hobby, so it’s important that we do our best to provide you will the most vital information.

We are not just a review site, though. We are a perfume site. That means that you will find everything and anything involving perfumes on here.

You’ll find tips on how to store cologne the best way, which scents are best for cold weather and tips on how to get rid of a bad fragrance from your clothes. Only to name a few.

If it’s about scents – then we aim to write about it.

We strive to be the best, biggest and most reliable perfume site. A knowledge hub for perfumes.

Contact us

We are always looking for freelance journalists to help us build more content on the site. We are also open for other types of collaborations.

If you would have any questions, suggestions or just want to swing by to say hello – please feel free to contact us at info (at) perfumeer.com

Best regards,